Tuesday 5 February 2013

Book review: Naive. Super

so, one of the things that i'm really passionate about is literature. I spend quite a lot of my time reading, so i thought that from now on i'll do some review posts of the books that i've just read incase any of you were thinking about reading them, or looking for something new to get stuck into.

anyways, the book i'm going to review right now is called Naive.Super. it was written by a Norwegian author called Erlend Loe in 1996, and was very popular when it first came out. Since then it's been translated into a few languages (one of them obviously being english) and has continued to be sold world-wide.

it's looking a little battered because i've been carrying it around in my bag and reading it at every opportunity. before the book starts, it opens with a cute little quote...

the connection of this quote to the actual book becomes clear once you read on. 

The book itself is about a 25 year old male (who's name we never actually find out...) and the way he views the world. shortly after his 25th birthday, he moves into his brothers flat for two months while his brother is away at work. he meets a few people, and talks about his two friends (who he called the 'good one' and the 'bad one'). he also meets a few other people while staying at his brothers flat, all of whom seem to teach him something. further on in the book, the character gets a fax from his bother asking him to come out to new york where he currently is. reluctant, and persuaded by Lise (who you'll meet...), he goes, and seems to learn quite a lot about himself. 
I guess it's about someone trying to find a direction in their life, for lack of a better way to put it. Also, time, and whether or not it actually exists seems to be a reoccurring theme throughout the book.

The book does have some funny parts too, which make you giggle. And some really cute parts that make you smile and go "aw". 

here's my favourite quote from the book (it's taken from an email that he sends to a professor, asking him a series of questions which is why there are numbers)... 

lastly, something which i probably should have said earlier, is that it's written in a very similar way to The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and so if you liked that then you should most definitely give this a try! 

my overall rating for the book: 8/10

and the next book i'm going to read... 

i hope that some of you have found this review even a little bit helpful (i guess i'll get better at writing these things the more i do of them..)

but thank you for reading, and expect more of these coming soon! 

emma x

1 comment:

  1. I nominated you for the Liebster Award, check out my blog if you're interested in doing it! xx
